Residential Lifts
If you’re looking for a way to make your home more accessible, and want to add a touch of luxury, then consider residential lifts. Whether you’re looking to install a lift in your primary residence, or in a secondary home or rental property, there are many reasons to consider this type of purchase.
Acknowledging the importance of space availability, Byrne Lifts supply Maison100 E and Maison E 100 H with 100mm minimum pit depth and 2500mm headroom required. Available with semi-automatic or automatic doors, Maison Lifts can be also provided with an aluminum shaft construction where a masonry shaft is not available.
Premium Design
Cabin’s special design ensures ease of installation while the RGB colours’ lighting creates an outstanding ambience.
Plug n’ play solution
Prewired shaft wiring and single- phase power supply.
Fast and easy installation
Smart and compact design for installation in just 3 days.
Low noise levels
Innovative electric drive (VVVF controlled) guarantees remarkably low noise levels in and out of the cabin.